Friday, May 7, 2010

Why do you need to find me?

Well, really only my Mom needs to find me. You see I will be out of the country for a few weeks and historically Mom doesn't like this. Yep, she has heart palpitations and everything! So, Mom, just for you as an early Mother's Day Gift I am creating this blog so you can always find me! I will be able to post via text or email everything you will need to know to find me. I can upload silly pictures of food, some of the sites around Holland and Germany, and of course, pictures of me!

For everyone else following this - I'll make it fun for you, too!


  1. Oh, thank you, favorite daughter o'mine! I know that this will help me sleep better at night while you are away! But you still need to hurry back -- I think I miss you already!

  2. You are leaving Tally just about now. I wish that I could be in Orlando for your presentation! I know it will be excellent and bring you many more clients.

    Aunt Edie and I are quilting tonight - tomorrow we go to the Friends of Maclay Gardens Tour. Should be lots of fun! Wish you could do that with us! Hope you have safe travels tonight. . .

  3. Enjoyed talking to you during Desperate Housewifes - the next best thing to being there! Or is that Skype?

  4. BTW - where's your post with pix for me?
