Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 7 - Deventer, Holland

Hello All!

We are having such a good time! Last time we updated you was while we were in the Tampa Airport. Since then we have been to Detroit - just the airport. It was much nicer than either of us expected - our layover was only mins so we made our way to our gate, grabbed McDs for dinner (not so amazing) and then waited maybe 15 mins for our flight.

Our seats on the plane were literally next to the door of the plane - and we were one of the first to board. So, that meant we got to see everyone walk on the plane - we played find the Dutch people vs American people. Sadly, how we could tell was belly and butt size - sorta funny, though! The flight attendants were pretty cool - this one guy was our favorite - he was spanish and made us laugh - this other lady was split personality - sometimes she was super nice and then all of the sudden she wasn't - well. part of that was because I wanted to prop my feet up on what to me looked like a foot rest built in the plane just for Brittany Love - but in reality was a life boat connected to the door - whatever - we werent going to use it and I wanted my feet when they weren't looking my feet were up!

Then, we landed in Amsterdam around 930am Holland time - we got our luggage super fast and then walked through my favorite glass doors (i love the amsterdam airport - they have these great glass door you walk through at the end) and met Steven's parents. Then we jumped in the car and had a very pretty drive to Deventer - about an hour East of Amsterdam. Note - I have been to Nardeen and was told on the ride that Nardeen is home to the oldest castle in the country - guess who didn't see it - me - so hopefully this week there will be some castle time!

Then we got to the house, took a nap - or a long snoozle if you will. Next was an incredible dinner - porkchops (oh so yummy), potatoes, Fresh - and I mean OOBER fresh - green beans (again, so yummers!), and a tasty salad. I even ate the tomatoes and cucumbers in the salad - so you know it is a good salad if I eat it all! Marrit, Steven's youngest sister and yes she is older than me, came for dinner also. Oh and she and I went to her house before dinner - it literally is the same size as my house and decorated super cute! It is right in the city center so she doesn't even need a car - how nice! It is like when I lived in Chicago!

In the evening Marrit, Steven and I went to the city center for a few bevies (beverages). (and no that is not a Dutch word, it is my very own slang.) We went to a place called "the neighbor" and another place called "the kettle" for witches kettle. There is a beautiful fountain in the city center - brink - (that is the dutch word for city center/square) - and the fountain was dedicated the past queen who brought in the sewer system for Deventer. Yes, I agree, the queen totally deserves a monument - restrooms are very important! There is also this great old building that looks haunted - and it is - sort of! It is De Waag - and in the old days people would prove that they were a witch by sitting in a giant kettle of oil - yes the oil was hot. And if they lived, they were a true, bonafide witch. I suggested the theory that if you jump in and jump our really fast then yes you are still alive but people call you a witch cause your skin would then be all wrinkly and ugly liek the fables of witches...just a thoery...and it is funny that people in America worked so hard to prove they were not witches...remember the Salem witch trials...

Oh and at the second bar - the kettle - the waiter was hilarious and made fun of my "very obvious" American accent. Oh and we had these amazing fried sausage balls made of "horse, cow, pig, and whatever else we can find" - but again they were deep fried and then you dipped them in mustard - perfect soul food for any Dutch or American person! Those are called Bitterbals - just like English but with only one l.

Then we rode our bike home - yes all this time the mode of transportation is a bike...and yes I am so rocking it! Knock on wood I haven't fallen yet!

Then we went to sleep - omg I dont know if I am just tired or if the bed is amazingly comfortable but I am sleeping like a baby - poor Steven is having a hard time waking me up...Im so comfortable in my warm spot in the bed!

So we hung out today - Thursday - at the house, and while reading the paper (I just looked at pictures) Steven convinced his Mom and Dad - mainly by appealing the the "techie side" in any man - to buy a new TV. There tv is working just fine but yes it is a bit small and is not a flat screen or anything new fangled. So, within an hour of this conversation beginning we were in this GIANT best buy like store called Media Mart - and it is bigger than Best Buy - couldnt believe it but it is true! S's mom and I wondered the store looking at everything from coffee pots to car stereos, etc. I enjoyed seeing all the cool stuff - I am starting to think Dutch gadgets are cooler than American gadgets. Oh, but more the iPhone cost 600 the us it is 200 bucks with contract or 500 bucks wtihout contract...

Then in the parking garage S's mom and I watched a photographer take pics of a bride and groom - we are both alittle unsure of pics in a parking garage for your wedding but it was a very clean modern garage...? They had a cool old car too - even had a cool old man driver! So we were entertained while the boys did their techie thing.

Now we are back at the house about to go eat lunch - we are hungry! Steven's mom and dad had to go back to the giant store because the box for teh HD cable didn't come with the smart card it is supposed to have...but it worked out for me to get to blog and S is still playing with the TV! (It is hilarious!)

So I will update more later - PS we are taking tons of video so we will share that soon!

Miss you and Love you,


  1. I'm so glad you are having a wonderful time! And you are doing a fabulous job with your blogging -- I almost feel as if I am there, too! Love you!

  2. Brittany,

    So glad you are having a great time! Looks beautiful over there. Please come back! LOL
